Sunday 15 January 2012


Jelly Belly mango candle ($14) 
This candle smells so good, i actually want to eat it lmfao. i saw it at the counter when i was about to pay for my O.P.I nail lacquer & ended up falling in love with the smell aha

NBA hoop ($19.95)
This is so stupid but i've always wanted a hoop in my room so i can throw my trash though it and into the bin. i brought it home and my mum told me i couldnt stick it on the wall so i had to stick it on my door. Sam influenced me to buy it :)

This is a vintage Versace belt that my mumma had when she was in her 20's. Its older than me lmfao. She passed it on to me and since then i cant stop wearing it :>

Chanel Peridot nail colour ($39.95)
I've never spent so much on fkn nail polish. But this ones pretty cool, it looks like Gold when you look straight at it, but then it looks green and blue when you look at it on the side. pretty gangstaaa

O.P.I White Nail Lacquer ($20)
It kinda looks like white out, but i like it

My family all put in money for my christmas present and i ended up getting the iPad, but i had to add some of my money into it too. I've been neglecting my MacBook and Mac ever since i got it :3

Bag ($20)
i never thought that i would buy some fluro coloured bag, it was so in in like 2007 :\

Chuck Taylors ($90)
Added a pair of white chucks to my other old collection :)

I've been working the whole of last week and im getting crazy money. I'm getting paid tomorrow so i cant wait to go shopping and blow it all. i cant save for shit :) mwamwa

Saturday 31 December 2011

Taylor Gang... Or Die

"Chucks seem to be coming back in 'fashion'". NOOOOO bitch, they've always been in :P

These are just some of the chucks i found last night, some of them are hiding elsewhere. I've had these since like 06 and it sucks that they dont fit me anymore. I've been looking for white ones but they dont have my size anywhereeeee and i aint even exaggerating, no stores have my size :( poo. and its like 20% off.

When you think about it, Chucks were originally basketball shoes. how kewl is that? :)

Hope you guys have a great new year!  mwa mwa mwa

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Boxing Day

Shorts ($100)

This is what I wore for boxing day. I got those shorts for an early christmas present :) The first time i wore it, it was comfy, the second time i wore it i ended up getting little minor cuts on my left leg. it itched like hell.

Usually everyone goes crazy on boxing day. I went with one of my friends and neither of us bought anything which sucked because everything was so cheap. I went into the shop where i bought that top im wearing. and it ended up being like 20% off. I hate it when that shit happens.

Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas Day

Mika and Gala dress

Me and Mum

Christmas lunch at my aunties

we're so hottttt

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and had their wishes granted! I didnt really get to open anything this year, actually i only opened one box this year from Sams mum, which was a box of chocolates, lol. I bought my ball dress two days ago which cost about $450 so I didnt really ask mum for anything big. We had turkey for lunch, i was kinda devastated because i really wanted roast beef aha, but it tasted good anyway.

The dress i wore on christmas day was pretty much an early christmas present :) Its so comfy and soft. and cheap too! I ended up spending christmas night with Sammy, we had fun playing on his new MacBook :)

Wednesday 9 November 2011

bdo ruined 2012 already

mother fucking, my lovely yeezy isnt coming no more. They're "improving" bdo with a giant water slide! WWWWOOOOH no. seriously who gives a fuck about a water slide. Are we 5?!
I paid $170 for this stupid ass ticket because of Kanye and Odd Future. But now I don't know if seeing odd future is worth my $170. Hmph. My mind is raging & its all BDO's fault. I know I sound immature and shit but idgaf cause I'll probably never get the chance to see Ye anymore. peace

Saturday 5 November 2011


2011 was the year i started wearing make up. I was basically the last out of all my friends to wear make up, even though i did wear mascara and eyeshadow before all this foundation/powder stuff. It all started one day after school at Ems house and I saw her maybelline mouse and tried it on for fun. I ended up liking it because it had a matte look and eventually bought one myself. After a few months having little experience of foundation, mum bought me the Mat Lumiere foundation and the powder by Chanel. It ended up being just a tad dark for me so I looked like a cake face so now I mix it with the teint innocence to make it a little lighter. Now I dont even use the Mat Lumiere after i found a concealer stick, i just use the loose powder :)
*Girls who haven't started wearing make up should keep it that way foreverrrrrrrr, you wont want to leave the house without make up once you start

Tuesday 1 November 2011


I swear, this bag is the only thing on my Christmas wish list right now. I've seen Chris Brown, and Big Sean carry this bag and even Kanye West with the jacket. From what I've seen, it costs about $200 which is A LOT of money for a backpack. I guess I'm going to have to save up now... or hope that YOU who is reading this, will buy it for me :)